Summer is a state of mind

Picture by Mateusz Dach via Pexels
Summer is coming. A phrase that causes both happiness and stress. This is the time where the sun is shining, except of course when you live in the Netherlands where it is always raining, and your final deadlines are planned. But the time after your deadlines is, mostly, the happiest time of the year. There are no obligations until September and you can just relax, and everyone likes to relax occasionally. But what can we do in these weeks of relaxation? Well, here are some tips to relax in the upcoming weeks!
1. Make sure you have handed in all your deadlines! You do not want to begin relaxing while you by accident have to hand in another report.
2. Make plans with your friends. Do not wait, you have the time right now. Visit family, we are finally able to do this again.
3. Go to the cinema, if you feel like you need some inspiration from someone else's life.
4. Support your local businesses like restaurants, cafes and so on. This might be one of the most important things you can do in your summer holidays. You will help those businesses, while also having the best relaxation time. So go out, have some drinks, dinner, lunch or any other type of food or beverage. They need you, and you need them!
5. Do some voluntary work. This can be all kinds of stuff, but every small thing helps.
6. Follow some courses if you just can't get enough of learning new things. For example, you can follow courses about finances or dream interpretation, but you can also follow a sign language course. If you decide on a sign language course, make sure you choose the sign language of the country you prefer. The Dutch sign language is very different from the German or French sign language, where several signs have a different meaning. This can cause confusion, which in its time can be very entertaining as well. But the main tip here is to find a course that you really like and follow it while you have the time.
7. Another tip is to just do nothing. Have days where you just sit on the couch, binge watch shows you like or just play video games. Research shows that it is very important to be bored sometimes. You can also decide to work a lot, to earn a lot. You know, work hard, play hard.
8. Last but not least, make sure you do not waste your free time. But remember, time you enjoyed wasting is not really time wasted.
After reading all these tips, there is one thing that is important to take into account, do whatever makes you feel good. So I can say a lot more, but only one more thing is important: ENJOY!
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