It's About Time: And All the Changes That Happened

Today, the 16th of March, Dimensie has already existed for 40 years!! This will therefore be the 8th Lustrum that we are going to celebrate! A lustrum is always celebrated every five years a company, association, or institute exists. As a study association, our main goal is to provide study-related information, organise lectures and workshops. Additionally, we also organise social happening, such as parties, trips, sports or cultural events. The board is in charge of the overall organisation and planning, while the committees are responsible for organising the events themselves. Despite this general setup, a lot has changed in the time of Dimensie’s existence. See below, to find out what exactly has changed and to hear from former board members.
1. We changed from TObias into Dimensie!!
Did you know that Dimensie’s first 20 years were together with Applied Education Science? Back in the time the studies Psychology and Education Science were put together in one study association, which was called TObias.
2. The Rubix changed from a hallway to an Association Room.
Back in the days, the Rubix (our loved association room) was just a hallway (officially it still is). But in 2005 it became an association room in which students can meet, chill, study, and drink coffee and tea. Together with the boardroom, the Rubix is the heart of the association, it is a place where you can meet the board, have committee meetings, and make new friends!
3. Psychology (and therefore also Dimensie) became an international study!
Before 2016, the study of Psychology at the University of Twente was taught completely in Dutch. In 2016 the study started accepting more international students and the main language became English. With the changing study language, also the language within Dimensie needed to change. The last few boards had international board members and the main language in the association room is no longer Dutch, but English!
4. The board!
One thing that changes yearly within Dimensie is the board, when walking around the association room you can see two big photo frames on the wall which shows the former board members. In total there have been 19 boards (the 20th board is in charge now). You can also see them here. The experiences of the board members change every year, every board has different challenges and experiences. Do you want to be part of the 21st board? See what former board members have to say about Dimensie and their board year!
Why did you decide to do a board year?
I was very hesitant in the beginning if I should do a board year or not. On the one hand I was very excited about the social part of doing a board year, like meeting tones of new people and working together with them in various ways, planning events, and supporting students education wise. But on the other hand I was nervous if I am capable of representing an association and the work load that comes along with that. At the end the positive experiences that I imagined overpowered the nervousness and I went for the new experience.
Laura Suntrup, 19th Board of Dimensie
What was the most surprising thing you came across?
The most surprising thing that I came across is that I made a lot of friendship this year with people I would initially not immediately go up to. When it comes to my board members, I see that over the past few months, we have really grown towards each other and became a close group of friends. We started sharing the same vision considering what we want to achieve as a board but also as a group of close friends. I am already so grateful for taking up the challenge of doing a board year next to my studies and I can say that it really pays off.
Lotte Weernink, 20th Board of Dimensie
What did you learn during the board year?
I learned a lot about finances (I was treasurer) of course and things like working in a team, presenting, professionalism and time management. At one point during the year, my time management was so good that I could do a full-time board next to studying, working two jobs and still doing a lot of fun stuff next to it. I became much more productive and now I know how to balance things and work efficiently in a short time.
Allegra Passmann, 17th Board of Dimensie
Did the board year live up to your expectations?
Yes, better and also a little less good! To cut it short, I had very different expectations. First of all, I expected to cope better with the stress of balancing studying, the board year, and my private life. My predecessors gave me a head’s up about the workload, but I have definitely still been surprised. It took a few weeks of struggling but then I also managed to get all under one roof. Besides, the board year has exceeded my expectations by far (even though it was full of online events and lockdowns). I have some of my best friends, learned more than I could have in five years of studying, and developed myself into the person I am now. So overall, the board year has exceeded my expectations of how much I would grow personally and how many amazing people I would get to know!
Marie Theres Klinge, 19th Board of Dimensie
If you can tell your past self one thing at the start of the board year, what would it be?
Don’t be too worried about pleasing everyone, you should enjoy your board year as much as possible. You will make mistakes, but even they are part of a board year. Even if you make mistakes, you are not doing your board years by yourself, so you will always have people to help you out and support you.
Don’t be too intimidated it will be one of the best experiences you can have and you won't regret it.
Christine Mulrane, 19th Board of Dimensie
What did you learn during the board year?
During my board year I have learned to enjoy being helpful for others even when it gets very stressful. Being a board member can be stressful at times, but it is also very very gratifying. It is very rewarding to see how much people appreciate your work and the events you organise. Even though it was difficult at the beginning to enjoy being so busy and stressed, I learned to be fine with the stress and enjoy it instead.
Mariana Luna Lopez, 20th Board of Dimensie
If you are still interested in joining the board next year you can send your motivation letter to! If you have any questions please feel free to come by the boardroom, ask questions or just have a little chat! The board interest drink will take place on March 31 2022.
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