From (Active) Member to Board

With the end of 2024 coming closer by the minute, it also means that we’re almost halfway through the academic year. Moreover, we’re almost halfway through our Board year. Although I enjoy every single moment still being Board, I do need to be realistic about the fact that the search for the potential 24th Board of Dimensie is slowly beginning. To help with this search, I thought it would be a nice idea to talk about my journey from being an Active Member to eventually becoming the Internal of the 23rd Board.
Note: Although I was an Active Member at first. This does NOT mean that only Active Members are able to become Board.
Active Member phase
Back in 2022, I became an Active Member at Dimensie. During my first year, both at the U.T. and Dimensie, I joined two committees, the First-Year Committee and the Kic’D. I joined both of these committees as it allowed me to stay in contact with the first year students. Moreover, it allowed me to possibly create more love and joy for the association within the first years, as they probably know the least about Dimensie. Thus, I wanted to help the first year students, and Dimensie by offering a bit of time to be a stepping stone between the two.
Starting the year of 2024, the phase of still being an Active Member was still in action. Although not as active as my fellow peers, I was part of the Kic’D. Being in a committee like the Kic’D, allowed me to stay in contact with the association, its committees, and the friends I have there. More importantly, it made me realize that I loved working with many different people on bigger events. Which was great to realize, as at the same time a big opportunity was also given to me, Board interest events. From an interest lunch, to walking with the Board, to an interest drink.
Why was I interested in becoming Board? Because it allowed me to share the love I created for the programme, for the association, and for the people part of the association. Moreover, it allowed me to become a bigger stepping stone, not only for the first years but for all Psychology students. The idea that I was able to create so many good and fun stories for almost all Psychology students, because I put in some time and effort, was something that brough and still brings a smile to my face.
Thus, I turned in my motivation letter, including my top three functions (which funny enough didn’t have Internal in it) and got invited to an interview. After the process, I got a call that I got picked. Where later on the day I learned what function I was picked for, the function being Commissioner of Internal Affairs. Hooray!
Candidate Board period
To be quite honest, although it might seem a lot changes between being an Active Member to being a Candidate Board member. In reality, this wasn’t the case for me. You have just as much input within the study association as an Active Member as when you are Candidate board, which is quite a lot. And in reality, the only thing that changes is the way people start perceiving you. Instead of being a Active Member, you are now a Candidate Board, who might be part of the upcoming Board. Moreover, you become a part of a much smaller group, which is the friend group you make with your fellow Candidate Board members. Thus, you start treating each other that way; you make fun about money and expenses with the Candidate Treasurer, joke about some irritation points of the programme with the Candidate Commissioner of Educational Affairs (that title is way too long…), etc..
However, the moment you start working on the preparations of your potential Board year, you do start to realise what kind of position you are in. So the tone shift from throwing a football around with moving boxes, to writing a policy plan was massive. Both I enjoyed equally, as you start writing down plans for the future. Potential plans that are able to change so much for current and future students.
While everyone was partaking in the creation of our policy plan, some being busy with the budget plan, I also had a little extra… Campaign Month. In short, the Campaign Month is the first official month of the new academic year where the new board is able to introduce themselves to the (active) members of the association. And for me, the Internal, I also was responsible for making sure the Campaign Month would be happening. To be frank, working on the Campaign Month made me feel so much more like a Candidate Board member than working on the policy plan. The reasoning behind this was because I was working on actual events, instead of promises that you put down in your Policy Plan. Furthermore, you also start thinking about how you will showcase and somewhat celebrate the new Board.
Board phase
For me, becoming a Board member went a lot differently than how others perceive it. Whereas others take some time to get to know their function, and might need time to settle down. I, however, didn’t feel that. Instead, because I was indirectly working on the association with the policy plan, and the campaign month. Thus, when we got hammered in, it felt as if I just continued with the stuff that I got a work-in for so I could do it. Putting pictures online, scheduling events, promoting them, talking to (Active) Members, were all things I had been doing, or already had my mind set on.
So that's my journey, although there is much more to tell, like the love I have for my fellow Board members, the excitement and anxiety of putting my first event online, and the absolute joy I have talking to people and them being enthusiastic about the association. I am unable to fit it all in one blog. Although this is my journey, you are also able to have a journey like this, as I have previously mentioned the search for the 24th Board is slowly starting, with our first Board interest event on the 15th of January. If you’re uncertain about it, or just have questions don’t be afraid to come by.