Dimensie Blackboard

You probably already heard about it, but in collaboration with the Greencie, Dimensie is launching the Dimensie Blackboard on the 20th of April 2021! But do you already know how it can be helpful for you? In this blog, you will be explained how you can make use of this new function. So how does it work? First, you can find the blackboard on the Dimensie website. You can either go to the homepage and click on “Blackboard” in the menu, or you can go directly to www.svdimensie.nl/blackboard. There are several options you can use the blackboard for. You can offer something, request something and search for something. But then again, how does that work?
Firstly, offering something. You can offer something by filling in the Blackboard form, which you can find on the blackboard page itself. In this form you write down the title of the post, where you state the word “offer” and the name of the item. Then you write the description of the item, what you ask in return and the condition of the item. At last, you write down how someone can reach you and how they will receive the item. Save this form and send it to blackboard@svdimensie.nl. Also attach a picture of the item in the email and, of course, do not forget to attach the saved form as well. An example of a filled in blackboard form and picture attachment can be seen here:

Blackboard form example
Secondly, requesting something. You can request something in the same way as offering something, by filling in the blackboard form. In title of the post, you just state the word “Request” and the name of what you are requesting. You also save this form and send it to blackboard@svdimensie.nl. Adding a picture is not necessary. However, if you have a picture of what you are requesting, it is always handy to add. It is also not necessary to add the condition of your request, only if it is important for you. In this case goes the same as before, do not forget to attach the saved form in your email.
Third and lastly, searching for something. You can use the blackboard to search for offers or look for requests. This can be done by going to the blackboard page on the Dimensie website. Here you can scroll through all offers and requests and contact someone if you like something they offered or have something they requested. An example of an offer, which is also already a preview of the blackboard page, can be seen here:

Blackboard page preview
Hopefully, this blog gave you enough information about how you can use the Dimensie blackboard. We look forward to your offers and requests!
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