Candidate Board Introduction
Hola, I am TJ and I am your Candidate Chair. I am a second year student who is suffering of a vicious cycle of resits. So therefore, I will spend my full next year on my board year and my lovely resits!
My journey with Dimensie started late in the first year. Covid did not allow us to socialise and with that being active was hard to realise. However, in the end of my first year it became better again and I joined the canoe trip. Since then I got hooked and am an active member of Dimensie. This year, I was part of the ConnexCie committee and I was able to experience the function of a Chairman. You might have joined one of our cool events, like the Pride party, or Gingerbread house bake-off. And I enjoyed it soo much that I thought ‘Hmm… how about a board year:’ Additionally, I see it as a great opportunity to challenge myself more and participate in more activism on the campus.
My goal for next year is to bring us all more together after the last years with Covid and show you how nice it can be to be part of Dimensie
I am looking forward to see you all in the Rubix, on Campus, or at one our various events and to make the next year a great experience! ! 💚
Hey, my name is Marie, I am 20 years old and from Germany. I am a first-year psychology student and play way too much drums in my free-time🥁.
I am your candidate secretary, so I will be the main contact person which means you can get in touch with me regarding any questions concerning Dimensie.💚 I'm looking forward to the amazing time we will spend together in the Rubix and at events!☺️
One of the reasons I decided to do a board year is that I want to do something completely new and challenging. I have actually no clear vision of how exactly it's gonna be like and that's why I decided to go for it. :)
The best thing about the board year is in my opinion to go through a challenging and important phase of your life with a group of friends who share the same experience as you do.
Of course, even though Dimensie is already very active in that regard, I would like to influence Dimensie in ways that promote topics such as activism (feminism, LGBTQ rights) and social justice, especially with the committees that I will be a part of.
One other very important aspect for me is mental health of our students, especially during the first year.
And of course, it will be lots of fun organising the EuroTrip next year!!:)
I hope to see you soon in the Rubix and maybe in the committees!
Hi there!
I am Naomi Loffeld, and I am your Candidate Treasurer and candidate Commissioner of Books! Currently I am in my second year and next year I will only do my minors, and possibly some resits :/.
Until now I have not been as active within the association as the others (blame it on the coronie), but I am certainly going to change that!! The last few months I have been around the Rubix quite a lot, and I must say that I am really looking forward to getting to know you and the association better. So please, do not hesitate to come up to me & have a cup of coffee or tea and tell me aaallll about your wishes, needs and experiences within Dimensie. As only when we work together we can make next year the best year.
I am Lieke, 20 years old, and I am your candidate commissioner of Internal and External affairs. I am in my second year of my studies now, and I am super exited to do a fulltime board year next.
I have been an active member for two years now, since I joined AcCie in my first year :)
I am looking forward to meet everyone in the rubix next year, and to organise some great events for you!
Hey, my name is Quim and I joined the university last year. I am 20 years old and I come from Barcelona, Spain. I started with Dimensie by joining the EuroTrip committee. I really enjoyed this experience and therefore I decided to apply for the board🎉🎉🎉. I am the candidate commissioner of Educational affairs & Internationalisation👏👏👏. I will be the bridge between students and the programme, part of my task will be hanging out with all of you and hear about your experience with the studies. My main goal is to make sure that every student feels welcomed in Dimensie, no matter their nationality. In the end, we're all a community, and we will do great things by working together!!💚
I can't wait to start working with you and organize the biggest and most fun events!🤩
Please feel free to come by the Rubix at anytime to meet us!! We will greet you with free quality coffee☺️

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