Personal Values and Goal-setting workshop + FREE lunch!

About this event

Board 2023 -2024
Date and time
Jan 22, 2024 12:30 - 13:30
Carré 3A

Personal Values and Goal-setting workshop + FREE lunch!

Well-being week: day 1🌿

For the kick-off of Dimensie's first ever well-being week, we organise a lunch workshop! During the workshop, you will learn about the ACT theory in psychology, explore your personal values in life, and create a plan for achieving whatever it is that you want to achieve🔎! The workshop consists of some explanation, but is mostly filled with small exercises you do to explore your values📋. 

The workshop, given by the BMS well-being advisors, takes place on the 22nd of January in the break, and FREE lunch will be provided🥪! Although the event is free, sign up is necessary so we know how many people we can expect!

So, join this interesting workshop to see what you can do to improve your own well-being with even the smallest steps and changes in habits📈! See you then!


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