
About this event

Symposium Committee
Jun 4, 2025
University of Twente


🔍 Forensic Psychology Symposium – Criminally Interesting! 🧠
Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of forensic psychology? Join us for our criminally interesting symposium centered around the theme of 'Forensic Psychology' where top experts will shed light on the psychology behind crime, risk assessment and clinical care, and real-world forensic applications🔍
Never heard of a symposium before? Quick overview: it's a day filled with interesting lectures and workshops centered around a specific theme. This year we will be focussing on criminally interesting topics and we are bringing experts from the workfield of Forensic Psychology from all around the Netherlands to you.
From a workshop Negotiation Skills to an inspiring talk from an expert about Forensic Clinical Care to psychology at the Police Academy, we've got it all!🕵
More information about our speakers and exact topics will be shared on our Instagram account 2025_symposiumdimensie, so be sure to give us a follow! 💚

📅 When? 4th of June 2025
📍 Where? Campus UTwente
🎓 Who? Especially great for psychology students, but anyone intrigued by forensic psychology is welcome to join!! 
💰 Price:
* Dimensie members: €8
* Psychology students: €10
* Others: €12
📢 Don’t miss this chance to learn about fascinating topics, engage with experts, and explore your career options! Not to mention, there's even free lunch included😍


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