
Stichting Move brings about a positive change in the neighbourhoods of children, by actively doing something for someone else.
Stichting Move connects children and students who together take action to help someone else in their surroundings. Projects range from clean-up campaigns, visits to nursing homes and sports events for locals. In these projects, the children (ages 8-14) are the creative leaders, who decide what they want to do for someone else. Students from different disciplines help realise the children’s ideas. The aim is to inspire children to become active citizens.
Become a role model for children
During a Move project, a committee from a student association will work on realising a plan with a group of children from a primary school. These projects take about four to six months. During this time worlds meet, as students will learn about the neighbourhoods the children live in. In return, the children see what student life is like. This exchange is an enriching experience for everyone involved.
Learn how to manage a project and develop your talents
During a Move project, you will invite the children into your world and vice versa. Together you will explore and discuss what can be done to improve their neighbourhood and develop a plan to realize one of the ideas raised. You will be coached and guided by a Move project coordinator. They will help you write a solid plan and make sure you employ your talents. Once completed, you will know how to motivate and activate a group of children and achieve something together!
Team up with third parties like companies, the municipality and schools
The Move project coordinator will help you get into contact with the school and a so-called social partner, like a company, the municipality or a housing association. They can help support your project by supplying knowledge or finances. Maybe you can also call on the help of an artist or an architect to achieve a great result. By teaming up with others, you will be able to actually put the ideas into practice.