

JoHo's: summaries, exam questions, plans, article summaries and study notes for [study]

  • JoHo summaries and study assistance are intended to increase your chances of passing exams in a sustainable way for minimal costs and to allow you to study in the way that suits you best.

  • A JoHo gives you more insight into the main and side-issues of the compulsory study material, helps you to study faster and more effectively, ensures better results, helps you to keep your knowledge up-to-date and to freshen up after your studies.

  • You will almost always pass your exam if you use the various JoHo's.

  • JoHo's can be used online on your laptop or tablet or can be collected on paper at the JoHo support center.

  • All English-language summaries are also available to students in countries with limited access to study books and study materials

  • View the full range of JoHo summaries or visit the JoHo support center Amsterdam Den Haag Groningen / Leiden Utrecht

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